The Wanton Green
what delights await?
Author and chapter list:
Introduction, Gordon MacLellan and Susan Cross
Foreword, Graham Harvey
"She said: 'You have to lose your way'", Maria van Daalen
Personal journeys, intimate connections
Fumbling in the landscape, Runic John
Finding the space, finding the words, Rufus Harrington
Stone in my bones, Sarah Males
A Heathen in place: working with Mugwort, Robert Wallis
By river, well and sea
Wild, wild water, Lou Hart
Facing the waves, Gordon MacLellan
The dragon waters of place: a journey to the source, Susan Greenwood
Exploring - mud on your boots, mud on your hands
Catching the Rainbow Lizard, Maria van Daalen
The rite to roam, Julian Vayne
Places of Power, Jan Fries
Art is natural magic, Greg Humphries
Step back and consider
Pagan Ecology: on our perception of nature, ancestry and home, Emma Restall Orr
Because we have no imagination, Susan Cross
The crossroads of perception, Shani Oates
Where are the wild places?
Devon, Faeries and me, Woody Fox
Lud’s Church, Gordon MacLellan
Places of spirit and spirits of place: of Fairy and other folk, and my Cumbrian bones, Melissa Montgomery
A life in the woods: protest site paganism, Adrian Harris
We first met in the north, Barry Patterson
Urban wildness, "all cities have magic, you just have to find it"
Museum or Mausoleum – A Pagan at play in King Solomon’s House , Mogg Morgan
Hills of the ancestors, townscapes of artisans, Jenny Blain
Smoke and mirrors, Stephen Grasso
America, Maria van Daalen
Standing at the crossroads
Final words from our authors